
For my full list of publications, please see my Google Scholar page.

Send me an email for pdfs of any of my papers.


31. Bruce, T. et al. (incl. Geary, W.L.). (In Press). ‘Large-scale and long-term wildlife monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis.’ Biological Reviews

30. Linley, G., Jolly, C., Wooster, E., Spencer, E., Cowan, M., Geary, W., de Laive, A., Michael, D., Ritchie, E. & Nimmo, D. (In Press). ‘Widespread resilience of animal species, functional diversity, and predator-prey networks to an unprecedented gigafire.’ Journal of Applied Ecology

29. Westaway, D.M., Jolly, C.J., Watson, D.W., Jessop, T.S., Michael, D.R., Linley, G.D, Aristova, A., Holmes, B., Price, J.N., Ritchie, E.G., Geary, W.L., Buchan, A., Loeffler, E. & Nimmo, D.G. 2024. Fragments maintain similar herpetofauna and small mammal richness and diversity to continuous habitat, but community composition and traits differ. Landscape Ecology

28. Linley, G., Geary, W.L., Jolly, C.J., Spencer, E.E., Ashman K., Michael, D.R., Westaway, D.M. & Nimmo D.G. 2024. ‘Wombat burrows are hotspots for small vertebrates in a landscape subject to gigafire’ Journal of Mammalogy

27. Doherty, T.S., Macdonald, K.J., Nimmo, D.G., Santos, J.L. & Geary, W.L.. 2024. ‘Shifting fire regimes cause continent-wide transformation of threatened species habitat’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


26. Gould, E., et al. (incl. Geary, W.L.). 2023. ‘Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology’. EcoEvoRxiv

25. Yong, C., Ward, M., Watson, J. E. M., Reside, A. E., van Leeuwen, S., Legge, S., Geary, W. L., Lintermans, M., Kennard, M. J., Stuart, S., & Carwardine, J. 2023. ‘The costs of managing key threats to Australia’s biodiversity’. Journal of Applied Ecology

24. Doherty, T.S., Watchorn, D.J., Miritis, V., Pestell, A. & Geary, W.L. 2023. ‘Cats, foxes and fire: quantitative review reveals that invasive predator activity is most likely to increase shortly after fire’. Fire Ecology

23. Geary, W. L., Tulloch, A. I. T., Ritchie, E. G., Doherty, T. S., Nimmo, D. G., Maxwell, M. A., & Wayne, A. F. (2023). ‘Identifying historical and future global change drivers that place species recovery at risk’. Global Change Biology


22. Yen, J.D., Todd, C.R., Sharley, J., Harris, A., Geary, W.L., Kelly, E., Pavlova, A., Hunt, T.L., Ingram, B., Lyon, J. and Tonkin, Z., 2022. ‘Establishing new populations in water-secure locations may benefit species persistence more than interventions in water-stressed locations’. Biological Conservation

21. Geary, W.L., Wayne, A.F., Tulloch A.I.T., Ritchie, E.G., Maxwell, M.A., Doherty, T.S. 2023. ‘Fox and cat responses to fox baiting intensity, rainfall and prey abundance in the Upper Warren, Western Australia’. Wildlife Research

20. Smart, A., Southwell, D., Geary, W., Buchan, A., & Wintle, B. 2022. ‘Combining financial costs and statistical power to optimize monitoring to detect recoveries of species after megafire’. Global Ecology and Biogeography

19. Santos, J. L., Sitters, H., Keith, D. A., Geary, W. L., Tingley, R. & Kelly, L. T. 2022. ‘A demographic framework for understanding fire-driven reptile declines in the ’land of the lizards’’. Global Ecology and Biogeography

18. Linley, G. D., Jolly, C. J., Doherty, T. S., Geary, W. L., Armenteras, D., Belcher, C. M., Bliege Bird, R., Duane, A., Fletcher, M.-S., Giorgis, M. A., Haslem, A., Jones, G. M., Kelly, L. T., Lee, C. K. F., Nolan, R. H., Parr, C. L., Pausas, J. G., Price, J. N., Regos, A., … Nimmo, D. G. 2022. ‘What do you mean, ‘megafire’?’. Global Ecology and Biogeography

17. Thompson, E.R., Driscoll, D.A., Venn, S.E., Geary, W.L. and Ritchie, E.G. 2022, ‘Interspecific variation in the diet of a native apex predator and invasive mesopredator in an alpine ecosystem’. Austral Ecology

16. Doherty, T.S., Geary, W.L., Jolly, C.J., Macdonald, K.J., Miritis, V., Watchorn, D.J., Cherry, M.J., Conner, L.M., González, T.M., Legge, S.M., Ritchie, E.G., Stawski, C. and Dickman, C.R. (2022), ‘Fire as a driver and mediator of predator–prey interactions’ Biological Reviews

15. Jolly, C. J., Dickman, C. R., Doherty, T. S., van Eeden, L. M., Geary, W. L., Legge, S. M., Woinarski, J. C. Z., & Nimmo, D. G. 2022. ‘Animal mortality during fire’. Global Change Biology

14. Ward, M., Watson, J.E., Greenville, A., Maurer, G., Todd, S., Geary, W. & Tulloch, A. 2022. ‘Consequences of the Australian 2019/20 wildfires for sites important for biodiversity and other world heritage values’. Australian Zoologist

13. Pritchard, R. A., Kelly, E. L., Biggs, J. R., Everaardt, A. N., Loyn, R., Magrath, M. J. L., Menkhorst, P., Hogg, C. J., & Geary, W. L. (2022). ‘Identifying cost-effective recovery actions for a critically endangered species’. Conservation Science and Practice

12. Selinske, M. J., Bekessy, S. A., Geary, W. L., Faulkner, R., Hames, F., Fletcher, C., Squires, Z. E., & Garrard, G. E. 2022. ‘Projecting biodiversity benefits of conservation behavior-change programs’. Conservation Biology


11. Geary, W.L., Buchan, A., Allen, T., Attard, D., Bruce, M.J., Collins, L., Ecker, T.E., Fairman, T.A., Hollings, T., Loeffler, E., Muscatello, A., Parkes, D., Thomson, J., White, M. & Kelly, E. 2021 ‘Responding to the biodiversity impacts of a megafire: a case study from south-eastern Australia’s Black Summer.’ Diversity & Distributions


10. Thomson, J., Regan, T.J., Hollings, T., Amos, N., Geary, W.L., Parkes, D., Hauser, C.E. & White, M. 2020 ‘Spatial conservation action planning in heterogenous landscapes’ Biological Conservation

9. Geary, W.L., Bode, M., Doherty, T.S., Fulton, E.A., Nimmo, D.G., Tulloch, A.I.T, Tulloch, V.J.D. & Ritchie, E.G. 2020 ‘A guide to ecosystem models and their environmental applications.’ Nature Ecology & Evolution

8. Selinske, M. et al. (incl. Geary, W.L.) 2020. ‘Identifying and prioritizing human behaviors that benefit biodiversity’ Conservation Science & Practice

7. Geary, W.L., Hradsky, B., Robley, A. & Wintle, B.W. 2020. ‘Predators, resources or fire: what drives herbivore distributions in a mesic forest.’ Austral Ecology

6. Geary, W.L., Doherty, T.S., Nimmo, D.G., Tulloch, A.I.T. & Ritchie, E.G. 2020. ‘Predator responses to fire: a global systematic review and meta-analysis.’ Journal of Animal Ecology

2019 and earlier

5. Geary, W.L., Nimmo, D.G., Doherty, T.S., Ritchie, E.G. & Tulloch, A.I.T. 2019 ‘Threat Webs: re-framing the co-occurrence and interactions of threats to biodiversity.’ Journal of Applied Ecology

4. Bryant, D., Sinclair, S., Geary, W.L., Bruce, M.J. & Millen, C. 2018 ‘The occurrence of Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus obesulus) on Chinaman Island, Western Port Bay.’ The Victorian Naturalist

3. Saunders, M. E., Roger, E., Geary, W.L., Meredith, F., Moles, A. & Welbourne, D. J. 2018. ‘Citizen science in schools: Engaging students with pollinator conservation through scientific methods.’ Austral Ecology

2. Geary, W.L., Lawton, J.A., Healey, T.R., Ritchie, E. & Nimmo, D. 2018. ‘Incorporating disturbance into trophic ecology: Fire history shapes the suppression of a mesopredator by an apex predator.’ Journal of Applied Ecology

1. Legge, S., Murphy, B.P., McGregor, H., Woinarski, J.C.Z., Augusteyn, J., Ballard, G., Baseler, M., Buckmaster, T., Dickman, C.R., Doherty, T., Edwards, G., Eyre, T., Fancourt, B.A., Ferguson, D., Forsyth, D.M., Geary, W.L., Gentle, M., Gillespie, G., Greenwood, L., Hohnen, R., Hume, S., Johnson, C.N., Maxwell, M., McDonald, P.J., Morris, K., Moseby, K., Newsome, T., Nimmo, D., Paltridge, R., Ramsey, D., Read, J., Rendall, A., Rich, M., Ritchie, E., Rowland, J., Short, J., Stokeld, D., Sutherland, D.R., Wayne, A.F., Woodford, L. & Zewe, F. 2017. ‘Enumerating a continental-scale threat: How many feral cats are in Australia?’ Biological Conservation